Title: Black Doves Season 1
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Drama, Thriller
Directors: Alex Gabassi
Writer: Joe Barton
Stars: Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, Sarah Lancashire
In Black Doves, we meet Helen Webb, a model wife, mother of two, and yes, a professional spy. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her secret lover Jason is killed and her boss Reed enlists an old friend of Helen’s, Sam Young, to protect her. She has been leaking the secrets of her husband, a powerful politician, to the mysterious organisation she works for for ten years. This is the reason the series gets its title. In order to find out who killed Jason and why, Helen and Sam set out together. Additionally, it gives Sam’s story more depth, and Whishaw appears more suited to play Kevin Godley from 10cc due to the growth of hair on his head. Check out the latest TV series on FlixHQ.