Title: The Gorge 2025
Genres: 2025 Movies | Action, Adventure, Horror
Date: 17 February, 2025
Directors: Scott Derrickson
Writer: Zach Dean
Stars: Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy, Sigourney Weaver
The Gorge centers on Levi and Drasa, two highly skilled agents who have been assigned to separate posts in guard towers on either side of a huge, highly classified gorge. Levi and Drasa are first wary of each other because they are from different nations and have somewhat different goals. Both of them are on a quest to defend the Earth against an unknown, enigmatic evil. We don’t know much about either of their reasons, and it lurks in the abyss between them. However, a relationship blossoms as they spend more time together and start interacting with light, cards, and their binoculars. As they attempt to remain watchful in protecting against an invisible opponent, they form a friendship from a distance. Browse best horror movies of 2025 only at FlixHQ website.