Title: That Christmas 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Directors: Simon Otto
Writer: Richard Curtis, Peter Souter, Andrew Dawson
Stars: Bill Nighy, Brian Cox, Guz Khan
A series of related tales concerning friends and relatives are used to tell the story. The charm and chaos of the holiday season are personally controlled by Santa Claus. As with most ensemble comedies, the plot is hard to summarise in a few sentences. It’s reasonable to say, however, that Christmas in Wellington-on-Sea will seem very different to the locals when a snowfall separates families but unites them. The plot’s turning point might have been Santa’s early arrival. But Curtis lets the real magic come from the human interactions that take place around him. By exploring this broader relationship, Otto is able to portray characters who are grappling with love, loneliness, and self-discovery in a lifelike manner. Enjoy this film without any subscription on FlixHQ to.