Title: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Directors: Jeff Fowler
Writer: Pat Casey, Josh Miller, John Whittington
Stars: Jim Carrey, Ben Schwartz, Keanu Reeves
Unexpectedly, someone has decided to awaken Shadow, who has been in hibernation on Prison Island for fifty years. Furious at the world, Shadow quickly defeats all the armed guards. He makes his getaway, and ends up in Tokyo, where he discovers the full scope of his imprisonment. He promises to get revenge for his friend Maria, which leads Team Sonic to get involved. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, as well as Tom and Maddie, are called upon by G.U.N. to come up with a plan to take on Shadow. They reluctantly join forces with Dr. Robotnik, who seems to be in a worsened situation, but it becomes a desperate attempt to preserve the Earth when his grandfather reappears. Enjoy the HD streaming of Hollywood movies on FlixHQ Movies.
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Directors: Jeff Fowler
Writer: Pat Casey, Josh Miller, John Whittington
Stars: Jim Carrey, Ben Schwartz, Keanu Reeves
Unexpectedly, someone has decided to awaken Shadow, who has been in hibernation on Prison Island for fifty years. Furious at the world, Shadow quickly defeats all the armed guards. He makes his getaway, and ends up in Tokyo, where he discovers the full scope of his imprisonment. He promises to get revenge for his friend Maria, which leads Team Sonic to get involved. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, as well as Tom and Maddie, are called upon by G.U.N. to come up with a plan to take on Shadow. They reluctantly join forces with Dr. Robotnik, who seems to be in a worsened situation, but it becomes a desperate attempt to preserve the Earth when his grandfather reappears. Enjoy the HD streaming of Hollywood movies on FlixHQ Movies.