Title: Moana 2 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Directors: David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller
Writer: Jared Bush, Dana Ledoux Miller, Bek Smith
Stars: Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Hualalai Chung
“Moana 2” commences three years following the conclusion of the original film, with the protagonist, Moana, striving to lift the curse of Nalo that has effectively separated various island communities. In her quest, Moana seeks the elusive island of Motufetu, believed to possess the power to unite these diverse cultures. However, Nalo has concealed this island so thoroughly that it has remained undiscovered for generations. Moana bids farewell to her mother, Sina, her father, Tui, and her younger sister, Simea, before embarking on her journey with a new crew of wayfinders. This crew includes her pet pig and rooster, as well as three new companions: Kele, a farmer; Loto, an architect; and Moni, a warrior who admires the legendary Maui, who is imprisoned by a witch named Matangi for the film’s initial hour. Stream this film in HD on FlixHQ.
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Directors: David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller
Writer: Jared Bush, Dana Ledoux Miller, Bek Smith
Stars: Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Hualalai Chung
“Moana 2” commences three years following the conclusion of the original film, with the protagonist, Moana, striving to lift the curse of Nalo that has effectively separated various island communities. In her quest, Moana seeks the elusive island of Motufetu, believed to possess the power to unite these diverse cultures. However, Nalo has concealed this island so thoroughly that it has remained undiscovered for generations. Moana bids farewell to her mother, Sina, her father, Tui, and her younger sister, Simea, before embarking on her journey with a new crew of wayfinders. This crew includes her pet pig and rooster, as well as three new companions: Kele, a farmer; Loto, an architect; and Moni, a warrior who admires the legendary Maui, who is imprisoned by a witch named Matangi for the film’s initial hour. Stream this film in HD on FlixHQ.