Title: Cruel Intentions Season 1
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama
Directors: Adam Arkin
Writer: Phoebe Fisher, Sara Goodman, Nic Strain
Stars: Sarah Catherine Hook, Zac Burgess, Savannah Lee Smith
Alpha: Students are featured at Manchester College at the start of Cruel Intentions’ first episode. The Delta Phi ladies’ welcome presentation is inadequate, CeCe informs them. She admits to them that she feels ashamed. Tanya’s piercing little soprano is the source of CeCe’s complaints. Tanya says she’s sorry. Since Caroline Merteuil will be their president when she arrives, CeCe is adamant that this won’t work. Caroline is dropped off by Rourke a short while later. CeCe, who assures Caroline that her rush will be remembered in Delta Phi history, catches up with her. Caroline points out a problem with optics. She enquires as to whether CeCe has forgotten about the spring formal from the previous year. Enjoy watching Season 1 of Cruel Intentions in HD on FlixHQ.