Title: The Brutalist 2025
Genres: 2025 Movies | Drama, Epic
Date: 22 February, 2025
Directors: Brady Corbet
Writer: Brady Corbet, Mona Fastvold
Stars: Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones, Guy Pearce
The Brutalist 2025: The story focuses on Jewish architect László Tóth. Hho came to New York in 1947 in the hopes of a new beginning. After the war, a European immigrant to the US arrives only with the clothing on his back. He is taken in by his cousin Attila, who offers him a job at his furniture company. Toth gets a bed, a roof, food, and power in exchange for a job. Van Buren discovers that Toth is a well-known architect. He gives him money for designing and constructing a community center in memory of his late mother, which will bring his wife Erzebet and his orphaned niece Zsofia to the United States. The second half features his drug predictions, which frequently leave him in a heroin haze. It tempers his anger as he battles Van Buren. Explore more on Flix HQ to watch your favorite movies.